Jul 29, 2008

Battle for Jungle K

We had a game of Starship Troopers at my garage day before yesterday. Torben brought along his mobile infantry and made up some bug nastiness for them to get impaled on.
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Torben opted for a bit of all worlds. 3 suits, 20 men, 2 CHAS robots and a missile bomb.

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I took the same approach and got out all the bugs I had assembled. In all: 1 plasma, 1 tanker, 30 warriors, 3 blisters, 3 hoppers, 2 infiltrators, 8 control bugs (that couldn't really be in the list and didn't enter the game). I had some assets too: 2 ambushers, 2 caveins, 2 markers, 2 exits.

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The table. Covered up to 50% with terrain. Almost.

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The start is off. The bugs deploy for an attack and the MI try to figure out a plan.

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The settle for defence and it is thus a deep defence.

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First combat move of the game, my infiltrator burst out of it's shell and hammers a CHAS robot to death or IOIOOOII.

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A lucky shot from my plasma... I actually aimed for something completely different but it scattered over into this almost 300 pts chicken walker shattering it and leaving only molden metal.

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I move everything forward. In fact I wonder why I even bothered to deploy anthing anywere else than at the line of scrimmage. The game ended soon after this picture as it was obvious that the MI were to inferior to win. We can't figure out what we're doing wrong though. Perhaps too much terrain, bad lists, wrong armybooks or just silly rules!

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The depressed MI player

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The glorious Bug

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